Right of revocation & revocation form

We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. If anything didn't go as expected, please contact us and let us find a solution for your issue together.

Revocation instruction & revocation form

Every private customer (hereinafter 'customer') has a right of revocation according to the following conditions. Customers are declared as every natural person, which concludes a deal or contract with an intended purpose of not acting in the function of a freelancer nor an employed professional. An entrepreneur is a natural or juridical person or a society vested with legal capacity, which acts in a professional function at the moment of the conclusion of a deal.

A. Revocation instruction

Right of revocation

You have the right to withdraw from this contract through revocation within fourteen days without having to specify any reason.

The time frame for the revocation is fourteen days after you or a third person designated by you which is not the shipping forwarder has taken possession of the last item of the delivery.
In order to make use of your right of revocation, you have to inform us (Lukas Schütte, Buesnauer Str. 24
71229 Leonberg, Germany, Tel.: 017621388127, E-Mail: lukas.schuette@googlemail.com) about your decision to cancel the contract using a clear declaration (for example a letter sent by mail or e-mail). You may use the revocation form template below, but the use of this template is not compulsory.

In order to observe the time limit, it is sufficient for the customer to send the declaration of revocation off before the deadline.

Results of revocation

If you withdraw from the contract, we have to reimburse all payments that we received from you, including delivery costs (except for additional costs resulting from you selecting a different shipping method than the cheapest method provided) as soon as possible and not later than fourteen days after the day we received your revocation declaration. For the reimbursement, we will use the same method of payment that you used to pay us, unless another personal agreement exists. You will not be charged any fees for the reimbursement. We can keep the amount until we have received the goods from your order back or until you can prove that you have sent the goods back, depending on what happens earliest.

You have to send the goods from your order back as soon as possible but not later than fourteen days starting at the day when you sent off the revocation declaration or hand them over in person. The deadline is observed when you send the goods off before the time frame of fourteen days.

You have to take over the direct costs of shipping back.

You will only have to come up for a loss of value of the goods if this loss of value is a result of you treating the goods in a way that is not related to checking the properties, features and functions.

Exclusion or premature termination of the right of revocation

The right of revocation does not apply for the delivery of goods which have not been pre-produced and where an individual selection or determination by the customer is vital or for goods which have been customized to the personal preferences of the customer.

The right of revocation is terminated prematurely for contracts for the delivery of sound or video recordings in a sealed packaging when the seal has been broken after delivery.

The right of revocation does not apply for customers which are not a citizen of any of the states of the European Union and which have their permanent residence and delivery address outsode of the European Union at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

Connected/financed contracts

If this contract is financed through a credit and you withdraw it later, you are not obligated to the credit contract, if both contracts are economically connected. This can be assumed especially in the case of us being the creditor or if your creditor relies on our cooperation regarding the financing. If the credited amount has already been transferred to us when your revocation takes effect, the creditor will take over the rights and obligations regarding the consequences of the revocation or return from the financed contract from us. The latter will not be valid if the corresponding contract contains the acquisition of financial instruments (including, but not limited to: commercial papers, currencies or derivatives). If you want to avoid a binding contract as much as possible, make use of your right of revocation and withdraw from your finance contract, if you also have a right of revocation for that.

General advice

1) Please avoid damaging and contaminating the goods. Please send the goods back in the original packaging with all accessories and all parts of the packaging. If possible, use a protective outer packaging. If you do not have the original packagin in your possession anymore, please use an adequate packaging for sufficient protection against transport damages.
2) Please do not send the goods back to us freight forward.
3) Please note that the foregoing sentences 1-2 are not compulsory for the effectiveness of the right of revocation.

B. Revocation form

If you want to withdraw from the contract, please fill out this form and send it back to us.


Lukas Schütte
Buesnauer Str. 24
71229 Leonberg
E-Mail: plushiepalace@gmail.com

Hereby, I/we (*) withdraw from the contract concluded by me/us (*) regarding the purchase of the following goods/fulfillment of the following service(*)



Ordered at (*) ____________(DD-MM-YYYY) / received at (*) __________________(DD-MM-YYYY)

Name of customer(s)

Adress of customer(s)

Signature of customer(s) (only when this form is sent on paper)


(*) Please delete where inapplicable

© This revocation instruction has been created by the specialized lawyers of IT-Recht Kanzlei and is protected by copyright. (www.it-recht-kanzlei.de).

Version: 20200802203235